A Reddit post just brought up this theme (here, Does tea attract a certain type of people?). It's a great question. Their speculation included adding this, cited in its entirety because this framing is really helpful:
I drink a lot in tea rooms and like to just sit and listen to people talk. Mostly there's a certain type around me though. Students, hippie people, artists, long-haired men, older liberal arts professors etc. I've never had anything like that happen in a coffee shop. Do you also feel like tea is attracted to a certain culture, that maybe goes against consumerism as opposed to people who drink coffee?
I commented this, and I'll add a little more here:
It is appealing to a range of different people, but it might not be a broad range. I've been writing a blog about tea for 11 years, and active in tea groups for longer, meeting people locally who are into tea, and this theme keeps coming up.
That list works for a start; hippies and tea kind of pair naturally. For some reason 30 or so year old guys working in IT can connect with tea, in plenty of cases. My guess is that it's easy to burn out on overdoing it with coffee, and there's a lot of novel experience to be had with tea, and a lot to learn. The "figuring it out" aspect can be appealing, to some.
People with somewhat liberal inclinations, who aren't necessarily hippies, can also naturally connect with tea. It helps being into nature themes, Eastern or foreign cultures, and to some extent aesthetics, since those are subjects that can overlap.
More conservative but open minded, typically older individuals can also get the appeal. For this approach point the exclusivity might connect, more than foreign cultural association. It's possible to learn, know things, and experience things that aren't really easily accessible to others; taken in one way tea can connect with status. Ownership of a collection of valuable clay tea pots might be part of the appeal, approached this way. Any of these people could wear an Asian oriented robe while drinking tea, or martial arts type clothing, but for most this wouldn't apply.
Some common characteristics are implied there: openness to atypical experience, tendency for exploration, cultural openness, and individual connection with one or more parts of the tea experience (flavor / food oriented, tied to Asian culture, problem solving related to learning about types or brewing approach, appeal related to exclusivity, or ownership of hard to access range of goods or teas). On the aesthetic side someone might want to wear Asian oriented clothing, or in a more common form they might just like drinking tea outside in nature.
Drinking tea can be a meditative experience; coffee is perfect for picking up a to-go drink that travels well, and for one range of tea experience spending a half an hour or an hour appreciating multiple infusions of an exceptional version is a main point. It's easy to see how aesthetics and other factors could adjoin that.
(also included in that post as a comment):
At tea tasting last month in Bangkok, with people from all over the world. they didn't share one theme in common (besides liking tea), but openness to new experiences and cultural expression seemed common. No one really represented the "hippie" type, but two people covered some limited aspects of that general range (no, not the woman wearing a scarf).
One interesting tangent of all this is how it's natural for people who are into tea to expect some degree of shared experience, and perspective. It seems like all "tea enthusiasts" go through making this assumption, then probably adjust it later on when they realize that it really does apply, in part, but then to some extent it also doesn't.
I never fully addressed the initial point that people into tea might oppose consumerism, which the OP linked to coffee interest, the person who initiated that group discussion. Indirectly I rejected it, saying that one sub-segment of people into tea actually lean into purchasing exotic, costly tea types and teaware, using purchasing and ownership as a status symbol. But at the same time that initial opposition to consumer culture kind of works, for many others. People into tea tend to want to own a limited, basic set of gear for brewing a couple of different ways, and then it's less common for that to translate into a cycle of continual collection. That does come up, but not for most. Pu'er enthusiasts tend to collect the actual tea, since that type changes and can improve with age.
Let's consider a limited example, from someone in that earlier picture who is one of my absolute favorite "tea friends." I'm talking about Huyen, in Vietnam; this post works as well as any for an introduction to who she is, even though it's a bit dated now, and there's more to tell.
So what are we looking at here? Obviously they collect teaware, and are into the aesthetic side. But to me this doesn't represent a status-oriented pursuit of self-definition, a way to place themselves above others who also like tea, by owning things. They are unusually into the aesthetic side of tea experience. This didn't stem from a somewhat recent urge to collect that tea gear, versus focus on the experience; their family connection to tea goes way back.
They don't share that much in common with American liberals though, related to the generality framed in the original post question. That US left / right liberal / conservative divide wouldn't even be familiar to them, in the same sense it is to Americans.
Next one might wonder how much difference it makes preparing tea in this sort of teaware, versus using a very basic set-up. Use of clay pots is functional, and it does change things, so that part isn't mostly aesthetic, even if partly so.
The aesthetic part of the experience adds a layer of function, I would expect. When I mentioned that many people love combining tea experience with an outdoor setting I meant that it changes what you experience, the tone of it, how it feels. If I drink tea outside, and I often do, on a cool and pleasant day it's quite different than having it at the dining room table. Birds, a breeze, plants, natural sunlight; all of these add a slightly different dimension. The same must be occurring in that comfortable and aesthetically pleasing tea room, in that photo.
This might come across as a little odd, but Huyen's family isn't smiling for that photo, they are expressing how they feel at that moment, and typically seem a lot more relaxed and joyful than just about anyone I've ever met with online. And of course I meet Huyen in person from time to time; she's in the other picture before that, and in others I'm sharing here. I don't think all that tea gear brings them this joy, but their lives seem to integrate in a positive way. They seem radiant. My take is that it stems from living in sync with their own core principles, and appreciating the connections they have with others, and with varying life experiences. Surely tea is a part of that.
Let's go a little further, with another photo example:
Huyen again! And Seth, another good friend, at the bottom. This was a meetup at our house, appreciating interesting teas in an outdoor setting (using really basic teaware).
This reminds me of a part of the initial intro to this topic, not addressed specifically there, about discussion forms or range that might go with drinking tea (where that intro was instead about the people doing the talking). We sometimes discuss a lot about the actual teas, and I've written about these meetups in this blog, and cover some of that, but more often it's just personal discussion, about background, perspective, life events, and so on. Politics comes up, but discussion tends to steer back off that relatively quickly, as a relevant subject that's not any more interesting than others.
I guess that it's not so different than when anyone meets for any reason, to talk about anything. But the shared perspective and experience theme somehow stands out, that travel themes come up, and cultural issues, philosophy and religion, and so on. I'm sort of implying that everyone has more broad interests and experiences than average, but that's not really what I mean. It's that these layers of experience seem to come to light, and to be seen as novel and interesting, where something like more mundane travel experience could just be about sharing having had experiences, without peeling back the layers of what those tended to mean.
Why is an old Laos night market experience novel and appealing, maybe different than a modern Bangkok version of the same thing? Hard to say, but one could speculate, and share perspective on that. It's something about feel, and historical context experienced in the present, about a unique setting, and a local culture.
that's Korea; it's completely different |
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I have a photo with baby Keoni in it just like this (a Luang Prabang market; photo credit) |
There's an inclination many travel-oriented tea enthusiasts share to seek out the original, earlier, more authentic tea experience. It brings people to tea production areas, and old sections of remote Chinatowns, to old shops and tea houses.
There is novel perspective and deep history out there. But eventually all of that seems to connect people back to their own present-day life experiences, later on, after they process all of that. They see that it's all about appreciating the moment, and connections with others, or to a place, or natural environment. It's about the present continuing and extending the experiences people valued in the past. It's this journey that can be particularly interesting, to share with others, and to hear of their version of it.
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some people are living embodiments of older tea traditions; I see Cindy in this way |
This reminds me of some of my own starting points; I'll share a couple here. One early intro came from a work trip, a visit to Shenzhen, China, seeing a Gong Fu tea presentation at an IT product demonstration area there:
That may not have been the most authentic presentation of that cultural background, perhaps packaged and adjusted just a little, used as background for that other main sales scope theme, but most of what they shared was completely genuine and valid.
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the Wonosari tea plantation, on Java, Indonesia. |
I don't travel specifically related to tea, doing family trips instead, but I have seen it growing a few times. That kind of experience and connection could be especially meaningful to tea enthusiasts. In that area shown in the photo, in Java, Indonesia, it ties back to the older Dutch history, and on to what modern people experience, and how their tea culture is currently changing. As tea culture is transitioning everywhere, and many aspects of many local cultures are. Tea related experience can make for an interesting lens to view those layers of changes through.
Let's take this in a more controversial direction before closing; there can be a darker side to cultural transitions. All sorts of people would love all sorts of travel experiences, and older cultures and history can end up being packaged for consumption in all sorts of ways (as tea history was in an IT equipment vending demonstration center).
This represents Polynesian cultures being interpreted and presented for appreciation in a popular Oahu, Hawaii based theme park. Looked at one way there is nothing controversial or questionable about this; these parts of those local traditions are very well-grounded in earlier and relatively recent history. But this could seem like a caricature of those forms and images, to others, as an example of appropriation.
It's definitely presented for-profit, which isn't necessarily problematic, but that opens the door to a possible tendency to package what works well, maybe even adjusting that content a little, and skip over parts that aren't so relatable. Did colonization destroy some of that earlier cultural experience and expression? Surely it did. This park is owned and ran by Mormons; I suppose that framing doesn't help. They recruit younger Polynesian adults to work in the park, which sort of helps, but in one sense that's better and in another potentially worse.
I'm not saying that tea history is being obliterated while being re-packaged for Western consumption, but history and culture is always being overwritten, to a certain extent. Hopefully tea exploration, and especially tea tourism, takes on forms that continue to value what really occurred in the past, and honors and preserves the modern living cultures. This is the kind of thing I tend to find people at tea meetups most interested in discussing; how what came before translates into interesting experiences and perspectives that are available now.